
Brain Octane Oil Review – Is It Effective Brain Supplements?

Brain Octane Oil by Bulletproof claims to give you the most powerful type of brain boosters that haven’t been seen in any nootropic, brain booster of diet pills.

Natural Oils are the best therapy for many health conditions and ailments.

When used alone, it can take care of your brain performance, but like in the products such as Bulletproof Brain Octane Oil, it is added with other smart ingredients that supposed to help you by:

  • Improving brain performance
  • Improving skin texture
  • Avoid forgetfulness
  • Keeps you awake and focused

Claiming to be 18 times more effective than coconut oil, Brain Octane Oil is believed to be the ideal combination of certain triglycerides compounds that works for your better brain functions and provides you extra ketone bodies.

Let’s take a look at the product and what people are saying about it.

What is Brain Octane Oil?

Brain Octane Oil is the 2-way formula that acts primarily as a brain booster and its secondary effects belong to the weight loss.

The main constituent in Brain Octane is the coconut oil which rapidly converts fats into energy, leading to uplifted brain performance and minimal weight loss.

It sorts of works like sugar by providing you energy throughout the day, even though you haven’t eaten much.

But how is it different from the sugar?

See, consuming sugar can undoubtedly give you plenty of energy, but in turn, it also stacked up in your body in a form of unnecessary fats.

Found at so many places, the Brain Octane Oil basically works like a coffee, only its non-addictive and has no sugar in it.

How Brain Octane Oil Works Exactly?

Brain Octane Oil is not the supplement that you take on an empty stomach, otherwise, it will create gastric issues.

This is why it should be taken after the meal, moreover many people use a tea spool of Brain Octane oil either with their daily coffee, tea or salad.

As soon as you take this supplement, the ingredients will be quickly metabolized into ketone bodies that prevent the conversion of carbs and fats instantly provides you energy.

These ketone bodies are usually produced naturally by the liver, which is released during the starvation period.

The claims are that it gives speed up the metabolic process where it elevates the energy.

It also supports the digestion process which further improves the immune functions.

Brain Octane Oil Ingredients

There are many doubts about the ingredients available in Brain Octane Oil.

The product itself claims to have Caprylic Acid which is found in so many cognitive boosting formulas.

Brain Octane Oil Ingredients

While the supplement majorly contains 100% coconut has been fully refined without any traces of charcoal or other impurities.

On the back label, you will find it has 8-carbon medium-chain triglycerides Coconut and Palm Kernel.

Coconut oil is loaded with saturated fats that raise the amount of Good Cholesterol (HDL) in the human body.

Coconut is a potent ingredient for weight loss and enhanced brain functions, it can be used for many skin care formulas and hair growth when applied locally.

Brain Octane Oil Benefits

Octane Oil

The formula of Brain Octane Oil Supplement is more of a brain booster than it is a weight loss supplement.

Scientifically conceived, the ingredients in Brain Octane are not available sufficient amount which can induce a proper weight loss.

Studies have shown that Caprylic acid along with coconut oil exhibits some very important health benefits which are delivered with less intensity and gradually.

Some of the benefits you can get from using Brain Octane Oil are:

  • Reduced Inflammation

This is the prime effect of Caprylic acid, to ensure the inflammation has been reduced. Not just the inflammation of bones and joint but of a severe kind, we are talking about the inflammatory bowel syndrome and other ulcerative conditions that require certain antimicrobial and antifungal effects.

Fortunately, Brain Octane Oil provides you these effects.

  • Better Cognitive Skills

Bulletproof Brain Octane Oil is chiefly designed for better cognitive boost where you can experience elated brain performance. This comprises alertness, focus and increased mental energy for tougher mental tasks. Caprylic acid is also known to improve the conditions in Alzheimer patients, which have impaired memory functions.

Customers, however, are not endorsing these effects.

  • Reduced Cholesterol Level

Reduction of cholesterol level can help you with so many things, first of all, you will lose weight significantly and your brain health will be highly improved. Lowering cholesterol level has positive impacts on the cardiovascular health.

  • Improve Muscles

If you are exercising with Brain Octane Oil, the chances of losing weight, get double, plus it gives you an extra benefit which is actually the preservation of lean muscle mass. Octane Oil reduces the fatty contents on your body and saves the lean mass for the better-looking physique.

  • Intense Metabolism

When the metabolism is enhanced, you are most likely to get rid of the digestive problems, Also, it’s a very good tactic for losing weight.

Brain Octane Oil Customer Reviews

Real-time customers’ reviews are the most essential tool to decipher the efficacy of the product.

The Brain Octane Oil hasn’t gained much of the popularity, but still, it offers a fair deal to its users.

Having said this, most of the customers who tried Brain Octane Oil for weight loss failed spectacularly.

While those who used it for brain-boosting purposes are only mildly happier with the results.

Here are some reviews that may help you match the outcomes.

First of all, their product design is cheap with breakable packaging.

Then comes the loathed and undesired side effects that range from stomach pain to nauseated feelings.

The first week was impressive in terms of attaining focus, but it all went down in the gutter once experience agonizing pain.

Ricky James

To understand completely the science behind Brain Octane Oil, I suggest you study the ingredients first.

I took it in very small among regularly for about a month and the results are astonishing.

Mind you, I’ve only tried it for better brain performance to which I can say this product actually works!

Dave Jansen

Didn’t work at all!

Total waste of money!

Juan Moore
Brain Octane Oil Pricing

It’s not an expensive product that usually makes you think twice.

On the official website, you are allowed to have a 16-ounce bottle for the price $23.50 which is seemingly affordable.

In case if you don’t feel the difference, the manufacturer will give you money back guarantee which hardly seems possible.

They have a special deal where you can purchase 3-packs in $110.28, you can also find it at places like Amazon which to some people is the compromise over quality.

About Brain Octane Oil Company

The company behind Brain Octane Oil is Bulletproof 360 Inc.

bulletproof brain octane oil

It is founded by Dave Asprey for providing the formula of Bulletproof Coffee and Diet plan.

Later on, they decided to make a supplement to improve the diet and mental health of males and females.

For any supplements to be effective, there are certain measures such as assisting its scientific evidence.

According to many diet experts, the formula behind Brain Octane Oil doesn’t provide any scientific backup, some user thinks it’s just like the effects of coffee with additional coconut oil in it.

The Legal Alternatives for Brain Octane Oil (Nootropics)

If you are using Brain Octane Oil by Bulletproof, you are most likely expecting the brain-boosting effects.

Choosing the less endorsed and products with very less information can be pretty dangerous for your health to which you have to choose the legit and fully known product.

Noocube Reviews

NooCube is a synergistic combination of nootropic compounds which helps support and improve your focus, mental speed, and memory. Safely and efficiently expand your cognitive functioning with this potent formula of vitamins, amino acids and other essential building blocks for a healthy, well-functioning brain.

The fun part about NooCube is the components that provide synergistic effects to the individuals who either want to achieve good grades in exams, those who want to excel in their professional life, and elder individuals who are at a verge of losing memory.

Final Verdict – Should You Buy Brain Octane Oil?

The regular use of Coconut Oil for various health problems can deliver short time effects.

Administration of saturated fatty acid such as Caprylic acid is, even though beneficial, but the low doses available in Brain Octane Oil are not just enough.

There is no shred of evidence available whether this formula converted into ketone bodies or either is helpful for weight loss.

Losing weight shouldn’t be a concern if you want to achieve an impressive set of brain power.

In our opinion, the best supplement for brain boosts remains NooCube due to the vast diversity in the formula.

Or, if you want to choose ketone supplement for weight loss, start digging the internet about top ketone weight loss supplements.

Keto Diet supplements
Keto Diet

Pruvit Keto OS is another one for you if you are looking for efficient ketosis.



By Iris L. Mendez, MSW, LSW

Iris L. Mendez is a mental health professional, certified wellnesscoach, and blogger dedicated to spreading awareness on mental andphysical health. She enjoys empowering, inspiring, and motivating herclients to live healthier, happier, holistic lives through fitness,nutrition, and mindfulness.