
7 Top Tips to Avoid Halloween Health Hazards for 2020!

For this purpose, we decided to give 7 effective tips for Halloween hazards to everyone who wants this holiday to be passed without any health concerns.

Halloween is now being acknowledged as the holiday around the world with people getting dressed up as creepy as they would like.

The costume party is fun to be scary, but there are some health issues a person can get from these parties.

We are calling it Triple H which is Halloween Health Hazards you need to avoid.

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7 Scary Halloween Dangers To Watch Out For

For this purpose, we decided to give 7 effective tips for Halloween hazards to everyone who wants this holiday to be passed without any health concerns.

1) Allergies from Food

Men, women, and children can be affected by food allergies during Halloween.

Halloween Foods

There are too many treats that sometimes blind us from thinking straight; children are immediately allured by these things.

It is important to tell your children now to eat anything that has been home-baked.

This step was first brought up by the Food Allergy Research and Education, their Team Pumpkin project is all about raising awareness about food allergies during Halloween easy way to find safer alternatives.

This campaign has made many people post the teal pumpkin wallpaper on their main gate so the people will know there is someone in the house with food allergies.

Kids with these things get allergy-friendly gifts instead of candies like small toys, costume dress or necklace.

More and more people are participating in the Teal Pumpkin project everywhere, even they have an online map where families can see other people in their area with the same health issues.

2) Costume Safety

Best Halloween Costumes

Every kid or adult wants to wear the most unique dress for Halloween to win the contest in their area.

But something parents should keep in mind that the FDA has passed a notice where it is prohibited for kids to wear dark and reflective costumes.

This is for their safety so if they are passing through the road the driver inside the vehicle should see them.

Try to buy a flame resisting costume for the kids and make it from the same fiber, if it’s homemade.

Do not let kids wear masks, especially at night or anything that prevents the clear sight, you can do small makeup to make them look creepy.

But again, beware if the kid has allergy from the makeup content, he/she must turn red which is a sign of a possible allergy.

3) Candies and Sugar Binges

Halloween Candies

Now for adults, Halloween brings many sugary items to your doorstep which is your duty to give it in less amount to your kids and yourself.

Overeating candies can lead to abdominal pain as well as increase the blood sugar level, which is not good if you are diabetic or hypertensive.

Before heading out for trick-or-treating, kids must be given small meals so their cravings would not be over, according to the FDA.

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FDA also recommends parents, they can change the candies in kids goody bags with light foods like fruits, milk, and yogurt.

Those parents who set a limit on candy intake and let kids choose their treats spend this weekend with ease.

4) Black Licorice

Halloween Black Licorice

Halloween is all about caring less for kids, which puts too much responsibility on the parents.

There is one thing the FDA is warning everyone about that is not to overeat black licorice.

Black licorice is an old fashioned candy, which contains a compound called glycyrrhizin; this compound affects the human body by bringing down the level of potassium.

Lack of potassium (Hypokalemia) can lead to many cardiovascular events such as high blood pressure, irregular heartbeats, swelling and palpitation.

The bad dose is eating 2 ounces of black licorice per day, this will be enough for you to get admitted to the hospital with severe chances of arrhythmia.

FDA warns individuals above 40 not to consume this candy if they have already previous heart-related conditions.

5) Horrific Contact Lenses for Costume

Halloween Contact Lenses

Wearing contact lenses depicting the vampires, zombies and other horrific creatures can be eye-damaging if it doesn’t fit perfectly.

FDA warns young girls and boys to wear creepy Halloween contact lenses unless they already wear one for the eyesight, this is why it is illegal to purchase contact lenses without any eye condition.

Sure, wearing these lenses could be a hell of a creepy bringing in others, but the American Academy of Ophthalmology states that they can cause cuts and scratch with more signs of serious complications. Corneal damage, corneal ulcer or even blindness has been reported in the last years.

You can wear contact lenses, but with a doctor’s prescription and guidance.

6) Fog Machines

Halloween Fog Machines

Fog machines use dry ice along with other chemicals to put a creepy atmosphere in the surroundings.

Make sure the area you are using a fog machine must have ventilators, in asthmatic patients it can bring breathing issues and aggravate allergic reactions.

Short term exposure of these fogs with asthmatic individuals can trigger symptoms for acute asthma, which is cough, wheezing, chest tightness and shortness of breath, according to The American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology.

If you are using a fog machine to your décor make sure it doesn’t use chemical glycol that causes headaches, dizziness and eye irritation in most people.

7) Always Give Safe Treats

Hallooween Treats

Tell your kids not to open or eat any candy before they come home and show them to you.

Non-commercial candies wrapped in unknown packaging must not be given to children; some candies have unusual colors, taste, and shapes that may be hazardous to the health.

Kids who chew heavy gyms, hard candies have choked hazards that parents must be warned about.


Spending time with your kids on Halloween sounds fun, it is the part where we can be whatever we want.

Following the guidance mentioned above can let you spend this weekend with safety and ease and as far as the health of your children concerned, always be cautious about what they eat and where do they go.

By Michael Norwood, Ph.D.

Michael is an enthusiastic online blogger and professional health and fitness experts who reviewed men’s related health supplements. Michael studied thoroughly about the nutrition available in food and what can make you eat healthily. He also encourages the idea of weight loss by dieting for which he has made some remarkable contributions to the people out there.