Male Enhancement

Male Extra: Effects, Results & Reviews Inside [2020 NEW]

Male Extra Reviews have highlighted some incredibly positive points that can take men to the next level of sexual pleasure.

Male Extra Reviews have highlighted some incredibly positive points that can take men to the next level of sexual pleasure. It is foremost made for women so they can get what they want from you when it comes to having sex.

Sex-related male enhancement supplements over the counter do a great favor for men by improving their performance in bed.

It is true women like those men who stay up late in bed and have bold self-esteem with a sexually attractive confidence level.

Not all of us men can have these things in common because the majority of us are in the poor shape of our lives.

Lack of exercise and a healthy diet are the reason why we lack stamina in the most crucial timings.

How to increase sex time with medicine is why we need male enhancement supplements?

Introduction to Male Extra

Male Extra is a premium grade, performance enhancer, and a top-notched male enhancement supplement.

For decades the manufacturer of Male Extra has given some very potent sex pills over the counter, which helped thousands of men to get over sexual problems.

Buy Male Extra Online from the Official website

The core concept of Male Extra is to have vitamins for erectile strength and basic natural ingredients that help the following conditions in men.

  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Loss of Libido
  • Loss of Stamina
  • Premature Ejaculation
  • Low Sexual Confidence

There are some major health concerns attached to men’s sexual problems which, if left untreated can be worsened.

What seems to amaze men about male extra is the quick duration of action that provides you the intense amount of energy during sexual intercourse.

Other Male Enhancement Products Vs Male Extra

There is a huge difference between other male enhancement over the counter and male extra.  Even the best supplement for stamina in bed can be dangerous because of some irregularities in their formula, but that’s not the case with Male Extra.

Best Male Enhancement pills like Male Extra, Max Performer, VigRX Plus, Progentra uses the best natural elements to diagnose and treat many performance-related issues.

Male Extra Ingredients

There is a pile of clinical references about how Male Extra pills can help improve sexual stamina and performance.

The references are given at the end of this article so you could see every single ingredient has got the right science running behind.

1) L-Arginine

L-Arginine supplements are the first-line therapy for erectile dysfunction, it is the basic protein, which your body needs to consume and have a large amount of energy.

The purpose of L-Arginine in Male Extra is also to produce Nitric Oxide after an outsized opening of the smooth muscles.

Improved circulation has always been in favor to induce remarkable and stronger erections.

In Male Extra, L-Arginine is available in 600 mg of dosage.

2) Ellagic Acid by Pomegranate

It has 500 mg of Ellagic acid, which is a natural way to reduce the chances of erectile dysfunction.

This is to provide a large dose of antioxidants to the male reproductive system that helps them attain bigger and quality erection.

Also, the supplements with Ellagic Acid uses the cheaper version of Pomegranate extract so beware of the quality.

3) L-Methionine

It is an important amino acid that prevents the chances of premature ejaculation.

The studies behind the science of L-Methionine shows that it affects the production of histamine by blocking it, so there will be no sooner ejaculated.

This male enhancement pills added this element to promote the health of the blood vessels with just 100 mg of perfect dose.

4) Methyl Sulfonyl Methane

MSM is a natural performance enhancer that is produced inside the body.

In every human being, MSM serves as an agent that helps to eradicate the free radical formation. This can bring restoration to certain body tissues in the penile region, which cannot hold a large sum of blood.

Making these tissues stronger means doubling the physical stamina.

5) Zinc

Zinc is directly related to the sex drive because of its testosterone enhancing effects.

It improves the quality of sperm cells and boosts the amount of semen volume, which helps you attain an orgasm full of pleasure.

Zinc supplements are also being taken to promote the production and flexibility of lean muscle mass.

6) Cordyceps

Obtained from a mushroom-like fungus that is used by men for testosterone secretion and erectile function. Cordyceps has its way to improve male virility and stamina which helps them make the most out of it.

It offers 25 mg of Cordyceps, which is the right amount of dosage for maximum help.

7) Niacin

Being added for performance enhancement purposes, it’s an excellent vasodilator that helps the blood vessels to carry more blood and oxygen to the penile region.

Hence improving the overall health of the male reproductive system.

Also See: 8 [New] Health Benefits of Vitamin B Complex

About How Male Extra Works

What any sex drug would do to your body after taking it?

How male enhancement pills work

The real mechanism that happens in men is the elevation of blood flow which promotes the delivery of ingredients that helps in reducing muscle fatigue and encourage stamina during the sex.

The formula of Male Extra also encourages the restoration of certain cells, which gives the penis larger appearance than normal.

Then comes the part where the elevation of male testosterone takes place, testosterone deficiency is the major reason for any sexual problem and it also affects your mood and libido.

Early ejaculation is the enemy for the intimidating times you are having, the amount of stamina, improving ingredient are so many in Male Extra that you don’t need to consume Viagra anymore.

How To Use Male Extra?

We recommend you to take 3 capsules of Male Extra where 1 capsule must be taken in the morning. User can take another 2 capsules 20 minutes before engaging in foreplay or use three times a day mode.

For men who are suffering from a chronic form of erectile failure and loss of libido, it would take around 3-6 months till they get fully recovered.

However, after Male Extra intake you will find it easier to stay up late in bed.

Does Male Extra Increase Penis Size?

According to some users review about Male Extra, it can affect your penis size.

After 6 months of use with Kegel exercise, men with the smaller penis have gained 0.6-2.2 inches which are quite uncanny and looks almost unreal.

Male Extra Side Effects

It has no serious side effects in the history of the consumers, but if you have been using testosterone supplements chances of acne are prominent.

Some side effects of Male Extra appear if you have any of the following health-related conditions.

  • Diabetes
  • Heart Problems
  • High Blood Pressure

It is important to consult with your physician before taking Male Extra.

Male Extra Reviews and Complaints

It has the majority of the positive audience who is speaking about how they have changed the way they used to perform in bed.

There are many positive user reviews about Male Extra available at the official site.

9 out of 10 users find male extra beneficial when it comes to increasing bedroom performance.

Male Extra Pricing and Place to Buy

The company website of the Male Extra is currently standing to provide various discounts.

  1. A single bottle of Male Extra is available at $64.95 after 25% discount, the original price is $91.89
  2. 4 Months supply of Male Extra will get you a free erection gel in only $197.95
  3. 6 Months supply provides 2 erection gel and a guide at price $249.90

This male enhancement pills is available in every country on the globe with free shipping charges. Checkout the official website here:

Review’s Verdict – Is Male Extra Effective?

There are many scientific facts that backups the fact that Male Extra is incredibly efficient when it comes to looking after penile health.

Order Male Extra pills online

We all know the proper blood supply is nothing without the right ingredients.

It has all sorts of ingredients which brings the heat in your session and improve mental confidence at times where you almost feel like a dumb person.

Male Enhancement pills over the counter are many which do not require a prescription, Male Extra is one of the renowned names in this domain which renders the user with so many potential benefits.

Bigger and stronger erections with delayed timing, oozing libido with a healthy state of mind, and foremost increased penis size and performance is what Male Extra offers genuinely.

Clinical References
  • Klots, T., Mathers, MJ., Braun, M., Bloch, W., and Engelmann, U. (1999): ‘Effectiveness of oral L-arginine in first-line treatment of erectile dysfunction in a controlled crossover study’. Urologia Internationalis, 1999;63(4):220-3, PMID: 10743698 back
  • Forest, CP., Padma-Nathan, H., and Liker, HR. (2007): ‘Efficacy and safety of pomegranate juice on improvement of erectile dysfunction in male patients with mild to moderate erectile dysfunction: a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover study.’ International Journal of Impotence Research, 2007 Nov-Dec;19(6):564-7. Epub 2007 Jun 14, PMID: 17568759 back
  • Ignaro, LJ., Byrns, RE., Sumi., D, de Nigris, F., and Napoli, C. (2006): ‘Pomegranate juice protects nitric oxide against oxidative destruction and enhances the biological actions of nitric oxide.’ Nitric Oxide: Biology and Chemistry / Official Journal of the Nitric Oxide Society, 2006 Sep;15(2):93-102. Epub 2006 Apr 19. PMID: 16626982 back
  • Prasad, AS., Mantzoros, CS., Beck, FW., Hess, JW., and Brewer, GJ. (1996): ‘Zinc status and serum testosterone levels of healthy adults.’ Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif.) 1996 May;12(5):344-8. PMID: 8875519 back
  • Wegmuller, R., Tay, F., Zeder, C., Brnic, M., and Hurrell, RF. (2014): ‘Zinc absorption by young adults from supplemental zinc citrate is comparable with that from zinc gluconate and higher than from zinc oxide.’ The Journal of Nutrition, 2014 Feb;144(2):132-6. doi: 10.3945/jn.113.181487. Epub 2013 Nov 20. PMID: 24259556 back
  • Zhu, JS., Halpern, GM., and Jones, K. (1998): ‘The scientific rediscovery of an ancient Chinese herbal medicine: Cordyceps sinensis: part 1.’ Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 1998 Fall;4(3):289-303. back
  • Ng, CF., Lee, CP., Ho, AL., and Lee, VW. (2011): ‘Effect of niacin on erectile function in men suffering erectile dysfunction and dyslipidemia.’ The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2011 Oct;8(10):2883-93. doi: 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2011.02414.x. Epub 2011 Aug 2. PMID: 2181010191 back

By Michael Norwood, Ph.D.

Michael is an enthusiastic online blogger and professional health and fitness experts who reviewed men’s related health supplements. Michael studied thoroughly about the nutrition available in food and what can make you eat healthily. He also encourages the idea of weight loss by dieting for which he has made some remarkable contributions to the people out there.